The Story Behind the Brand

TERRA ETHOS: how it began

The inception of TERRA ETHOS comes from the deepest desire to serve.

To move, change, uplift, and to hold.

These are no ordinary times on this planet. As souls, we can make upgrades of unbelievable depth and dimension. As those inner grids shift towards compassion and alignment with self, the world begins to look completely different.

We become a planet that respects and honors this coveted human incarnation and this unbelievably magnificent place we inhabit. 

The Work is No Joke 

The conditioning is strong; destructive patterns lifetimes in creation.

Differences create defensiveness and fear.

Some days on Earth feel like a constant uphill battle, to put it kindly

The struggle can also be the path.

The darkness is rich with minerals and the perfect conditions for rebirth.

The consciousness on the planet is rising.

All the necessary ingredients for a complete restructuring of our mind, body, and soul is available to us. Right here, right now, a shift into the role of a conscious creator. Master of our subconscious minds and be an exemplary of love.

I’ve always been fascinated by this human gig.

Sometimes I think I just came to Earth to touch her bountiful beaches, hug her tremendous trees, marvel at her mountain tops, and record every fascinating detail in the art of everything she creates. However, based on my journey so far, and the incessant need to study - research - study - experience…and study some more. I know that I came for much, much more.

Terra Ethos Earthing

I came to create, to heal, and to love

The power of this place to be a creator is unparalleled.

As it turns out, my art has always been about doing just that.

Every idea behind a piece, and the act of creating itself, is composed of soul exploring fragments. Understanding our deep connection to the earth and to each other. 

Art that makes the time on this planet more enriched by experience.

A beautiful piece of art speaks volumes on its own.

No words are even necessary.

And yet there is so much that goes into art-making and creation of any kind. The most profound work exists in the journey of connecting to self to birth those creations.

A process dosed with grit and mysticism.

The journey of connecting to the divine. 

This is where I am immensely passionate: the work.

This ride is hard. But when you have some tools to help you center and meet the challenge, it is possible to enjoy it all.

Enjoy all the next-level upgrades and the quickening intensity. Marvel in the epic mastered moments, the quiet peace, and the heart-expanding joy.

Enjoy the temporary defeat and confusion. Enjoy the suffering of the heart when out of love.

Most of all enjoy working your way through to all the things you desire to experience because you actually can.

You are immensely powerful, some would say limitless. 

But without tools, everything feels like it sounds good in theory.

You find yourself years deep in therapy without much change.

Or the spiral of your familiar pattern feels restlessly gripping, as though you don’t have a way to get off the merry-go-round. Even though you see the ride and know you just need to get off.

You rely too much on tarot cards, self help books, and general astrology readings without any clue how to integrate the insight and use it. You talk to your friends about an issue again and again until even you are sick of hearing yourself say the same thing.

Most fundamentally you rely on things outside of yourself to try to direct the thing inside of yourself, you.

So this is the game. 

It starts when you begin to look within and you really want to grow past the things holding you back. You want to create the life you envision for yourself. You get tired of being uncomfortable, and instead become passionately curious. You start learning and you get some. dang. tools.

You load up your evolutionary star kit, and you use the time you have on this earth. This coveted, precious incarnation like every moment counts because it does.

This is where TERRA ETHOS was born. This is the backbone of the brand: to deeply inspire and help you find, understand, and implement tools that will support your growth.

Terra means: Earth

To ground. To make practical. 

Ethos means:

the characteristic spirit of a culture, era, or community as manifested in its beliefs and aspirations”
— New Oxford Dictionary

When you ground the energy of the human spirit into this physical realm, it’s tangible. 

That’s where you see change happen.

You find peace, love, joy, purpose, prosperity, discipline, and alignment. All the things you long for are obtainable because you have tools, and you use them, consistently.

Because pragmatism is a powerful strategy, an Earth strategy. 

So welcome!

Between the inspiring art in the shop and the pragmatic articles here on the blog our hope is that you’ll feel nurtured, held, and fired-up to EXPAND. Because in my opinion, what else is the point?

Let’s have some fun.


Kelly Johns

Writer + Artist. Yogi on a mission to inspire & uplift.

I’m thrilled to be on this journey with all of you beautiful creators.


To Surrender: How to Actually Do It